Gaji PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals – Selamat pagi para sahabat, kembali lagi bersama kami yang akan memberi tahu informasi terbaru mengenai gaji pegawai/karyawan PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals. Beserta tunjangan tunjangannya juga benefit menjadi karyawan di PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals. baiklah langsung saja mulai membahas.
Gaji PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals
Dari 29 ribu perusahaan manufaktur kita akan membahas salah satunya yaitu PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals. Apa itu PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals? Kapan PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals didirikan? PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals bergerak di bidang apa? PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals milik siapa? Dan berapa gaji di PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals? semua pertanyaan itu akan di jawab di sini. Tidak hanya itu kita juga akan menginformasikan lowongan kerja di PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals juga syarat syaratnya. Oleh karna itu tidak menunggu lama lagi langsung saja kita bahas di bawah ini.
Daftar Lowongan Kerja PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals
Mungkin kamu pernah mendengar apa itu PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals, tetapi kita bahas lagi lebih dalam mengenai PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals. Informasi ini kami ambil dari web perusahaannya langsung, oleh karena itu, ini terjamin keasliannya. Kamu sudah bertanya tanya kan profile PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals bagaimana langsung saja simak di bawah ini.
Profil PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals
NIPSEA Group is a global leader, providing innovative solutions in the paint and coatings industry. Headquartered in Singapore, with more than 135 NIPSEA companies spread throughout 22 geographical locations. The group is Asia Pacific’s No. 1 paint and coatings manufacturer in both production and sales revenue. After more than 60 years of growth, NIPSEA Group has over 27,000 employees with 103 manufacturing facilities and operations. Efficiently serving all aspects of the business, from production to customer satisfaction.
With a focus on maximizing value to our customers, we push boundaries to deliver high quality solutions that work better for all our partners, tradesmen, and homeowners. The NIPSEA Group’s arsenal of solutions for the industry covers Architectural, Industrial, Automotive and Marine Coatings. As well as a range of products beyond the world of paint and coatings. We have an unyielding drive to focus on customers, providing innovation that works best for all our stakeholders.
In 1962, the NIPSEA Group was born, and Nippon Paint’s first factory was subsequently built outside of Japan. Over the years, Nippon Paint has always delivered high quality coating solutions to homeowners and tradesmen alike. We listened to our customers and empowered our teams to understand the markets, industries, and consumers that we serve. Being the champion for new ideas and challenging the norms empower us to deliver a breadth of innovative solutions. With superior product performance so your spaces and surfaces do more for you.
From ships to cars, skyscrapers to sheds, and everything in between – no other competitor comes close to providing a total solutions experience for the built environment industry. The NIPSEA Group’s arsenal of solutions for the industry covers Architectural, Industrial, Automotive and Marine Coatings. As well as a range of products beyond the world of paint and coatings. We have an unyielding drive to focus on customers and provide innovations that work better for all our stakeholders. (sumber)
Daftar Gaji PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals
Selanjutnya kita akan membahas Berapa gaji pegawai/karyawan di PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals? Rata-rata gaji Staf Sales PT. Nipsea Paint And Chemicals per bulan di Indonesia adalah sekitar Rp4.242.666, 19% lebih tinggi dari rata-rata nasional. Gaji ini akan naik seiring lamanya kamu bekerja di PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals dan gaji ini juga belum termasuk bonus per tahunnya juga tunjangan tunjangan atau fasilitas kerja yang di berikan PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals. Jika kamu ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang gaji PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals bisa kamu baca lebih lanjut di tabel di bawah ini.
Tabel Gaji PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals
1 | General Manager | Rp77.300.000 |
2 | Architect | Rp55.500.000 |
3 | Drilling Supervisor | Rp53.000.000 |
4 | Director | Rp44.500.000 |
5 | Procurement Manager | Rp47.300.000 |
6 | Building | Rp29.500.000 |
7 | Senior Business Analyst | Rp28.000.000 |
8 | Executives | Rp30.200.000 |
9 | Team Leader | Rp28.000.000 |
10 | Assistant Manager | Rp24.200.000 |
11 | HR (SDM) | Rp24.200.000 |
12 | HRD Section Head | Rp20.000.000 |
13 | Human Resources Specialist | Rp25.300.000 |
14 | Planning Manager | Rp22.500.000 |
15 | Supply Chain | Rp24.200.000 |
16 | Officer | Rp20.000.000 |
17 | Reservoir Engineer | Rp24.200.000 |
18 | Inspection Engineer | Rp17.000.000 |
19 | Instrument Engineer | Rp17.000.000 |
20 | Rotating Engineer | Rp17.000.000 |
21 | Sales/Business Development | Rp14.200.000 |
22 | Assistant Plant Head | Rp14.200.000 |
23 | Assistant Plant Head | Rp18.500.000 |
24 | Budgeting and Cost Control | Rp15.300.000 |
25 | Business Intelligent and Analytics Unit | Rp18.500.000 |
26 | Control Engineer | Rp17.000.000 |
27 | Division Head | Rp18.500.000 |
28 | Drilling Engineer | Rp15.300.000 |
29 | Electrical Inspection Engineer | Rp18.500.000 |
30 | Engineer | Rp14.200.000 |
31 | Engineering | Rp18.500.000 |
32 | Field Manager | Rp18.500.000 |
33 | Manager | Rp17.000.000 |
34 | Marketing | Rp18.500.000 |
35 | Production Supervisor | Rp14.200.000 |
36 | Public Relations | Rp15.300.000 |
37 | Senior Field Operator | Rp18.500.000 |
38 | SAP Business Analyst | Rp15.300.000 |
39 | Asset Management | Rp15.300.000 |
40 | Internal Auditor | Rp14.200.000 |
41 | Junior Officer | Rp14.200.000 |
42 | Laboratory | Rp14.200.000 |
43 | Public Relation Supervisor | Rp14.200.000 |
44 | Quality Management Staff | Rp18.500.000 |
45 | Specialist | Rp15.300.000 |
46 | Junior Auditor | Rp17.000.000 |
47 | Process Engineer | Rp12.500.000 |
48 | Cost Control | Rp15.300.000 |
49 | Field Engineer | Rp14.200.000 |
50 | Junior Counsel Legal Business Development | Rp12.500.000 |
51 | Mechanical Engineer | Rp10.000.000 |
52 | Mechanical Engineering | Rp10.000.000 |
53 | Process Engineering | Rp12.500.000 |
54 | Professional | Rp14.200.000 |
55 | Project Analyst | Rp10.000.000 |
56 | Analyst | Rp10.000.000 |
57 | Accounting | Rp15.300.000 |
58 | Assistant Civil and Architect | Rp12.500.000 |
59 | Auditor | Rp14.200.000 |
60 | Business Performance Services Consultant | Rp14.200.000 |
61 | Deputy Branch Manager | Rp15.300.000 |
62 | Junior Analyst | Rp14.200.000 |
63 | Junior Engineer | Rp14.200.000 |
64 | Junior Process Engineer | Rp12.500.000 |
65 | Mechanical Enginering | Rp14.200.000 |
66 | Production | Rp15.300.000 |
67 | Senior Supervisor | Rp15.300.000 |
68 | Intern | Rp12.500.000 |
69 | Assistant Business Analyst | Rp8.500.000 |
70 | Assistant Controller | Rp8.300.000 |
71 | Assistant Controller | Rp8.300.000 |
72 | BPS | Rp8.300.000 |
73 | Change Agent | Rp8.300.000 |
74 | IT | Rp8.300.000 |
75 | Legal and Relations Analyst | Rp8.500.000 |
76 | Operational Supervisor | Rp8.200.000 |
77 | Procurement | Rp8.200.000 |
78 | Procurement | Rp8.000.000 |
79 | Sekretaris | Rp8.000.000 |
80 | Supervisor | Rp8.300.000 |
81 | Technician Mechanical | Rp8.000.000 |
82 | Junior Staff | Rp8.200.000 |
83 | Management Trainee | Rp7.000.000 |
84 | Operator/Panel Operator | Rp7.000.000 |
85 | Addoperation | Rp7.000.000 |
86 | Admin/Customer Service | Rp6.300.000 |
87 | Junior Operator | Rp6.200.000 |
88 | Junior Supervisor | Rp6.500.000 |
89 | Medical Services | Rp6.300.000 |
90 | Project Engineer | Rp6.500.000 |
91 | Secretary | Rp6.000.000 |
92 | Staff | Rp6.300.000 |
93 | Information Technology | Rp6.500.000 |
94 | Sailor | Rp5.000.000 |
95 | Services | Rp5.000.000 |
96 | Accounting | Rp5.300.000 |
97 | Admin | Rp4.200.000 |
98 | Administration Staff | Rp4.500.000 |
99 | Developer | Rp4.500.000 |
100 | Intern | Rp4.200.000 |
101 | IT Support | Rp4.000.000 |
102 | Operator | Rp4.300.000 |
103 | Staf Administrasi | Rp4.000.000 |
104 | Staf Administrasi dan Teknis | Rp4.300.000 |
105 | Staff Accounting | Rp4.500.000 |
106 | Staff Administrasi | Rp4.300.000 |
107 | Receptionist | Rp4.500.000 |
108 | Security | Rp4.000.000 |
109 | Teknisi | Rp4.000.000 |
110 | Administration | Rp4.300.000 |
111 | Driver | Rp4.500.000 |
Terlihat dari daftar gaji yang kami paparkan di PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals memang lah cukup besar atau hampir setara dengan umr jakarta sekarang yaitu Rp 4.900.000 tetapi tergantung kamu menjabat atau berada di posisi apa dan dimana.
Di samping itu kamu harus tahu loh Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka (TPT) Agustus 2022 sebesar 5,86 persen, turun sebesar 0,63 persen poin dibandingkan dengan Agustus 2021. Terdapat 4,15 juta orang (1,98 persen) penduduk usia kerja. Maka dari itu jika kamu salah satu dari 5,86 tersebut dan berminat melamar pekerjaan di PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals silahkan kamu baca lebih lanjut di bawah ini.
Daftar Lowongan Kerja PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals
Syarat Syarat Melamar Kerja di PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals
Setelah melihat lowongan kerja kamu tahu gak sebelum melamar ke PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals kita harus memenuhi syarat syarat umumnya terlebih dahulu? Nah, apa sih syarat syarat umum untuk melamar ke PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals? langsung simak saja informasi di bawah ini.
Tentu saja dalam melamar pekerjaan kita harus memenuhi syarat syarat umum yang ada perusahaan tersebut, anda harus tau beberapa syarat umum yang harus anda penuhi ketika ini melamar kerja ke PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals, berikut ini syarat-syarat umum untuk masuk PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals:
- Tidak bertindik dan bertato dalam tubuh
- Tinggi badan minimal wanita / pria diatas 155 cm
- Tidak menderita buta warna
- Level pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK (operator), untuk D3/S1 (staf)
- Dalam keadaan sehat jasmani dan rohani tidak cacat fisik (terlampir hasil medical check up)
- Siap Bekerja jujur, ulet, dan tekun
- Dapat bekerja secara individu maupun dalam tim
- Bersedia bekerja dalam sistem shift / bergilir
- Memiliki dan Melampirkan dokumen yang diperlukan seperti ( Fotocopy KTP, Ijazah, SKCK, Foto 4×6, Dll)
- Diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman pada bidangnya
Benefit Bekerja di PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals
Setelah membaca lowongan kerja, tau ga si kalian selain memberi gaji pokok PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals pun memberi beri benefit seperti tunjangan dan sarana/fasilitas kerja sesuai dengan jabatan pegawai/karyawannya loh, apa saja tunjangan tunjangan dan benefitnya menjadi karyawan PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals? Nah ini beberapa contoh tunjangan-tunjangan yang di berikan PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals:
- BPJS Kesehatan Dan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
- Medical Check Up Rutin Tiap tahun
- Makan
- Uang Transportasi
- Mobil / Bus Jemputan Karyawan
- Intensif Kehadiran
- THR (Tunjangan Hari Raya)
- Bonus Akhir Tahun
Nah, itulah informasi lengkap dari mengenai Gaji PT Nipsea Paint And Chemicals per bulan karyawan sesuai posisi atau jabatan dilengkapi dengan tunjangan dan syarat melamar kerja. Mungkin hanya itu saja informasi dari kami, semoga artikel di atas bermanfaat.